Well, here we are! We've watched the ball drop, enjoyed the black-eyed peas, made our New Year's resolutions, endured the neighbors' fireworks, determined our 2023 reading list, and proclaimed our word for the year.
Now comes the hard reality of the new year -- the living. What, actually, will we do differently in 2023? Despite the fog of the future, we can hold a few things certain:
How will we, as Christ-following Houston-area businesspeople and community leaders, invest our sense of urgency, additional resources, and focused opportunities in 2023?
Fellowship of Barnabas Partners sits at the intersection of these three areas, honoring Christ as we share our motivation, strategic resources, and knowledge of local ministry needs. We offer very practical ways to multiply professional experiences to bless the community where the Lord has placed us.
In the spirit of our namesake Barnabas, the Son of Encouragement, “Let us encourage one another all the more as we see the Day drawing near” (Hebrews 10:25).
Wednesday, May 14
Breakfast 7:30a to 9:30a
Networking 9:30a to 11:30a (optional)