It’s almost May, the month of graduations, weddings, and the beginning of another summer. It’s the month of transitions, when old seasons wrap up and new ones begin. After all those April showers, we welcome the flowers of May. Students are proud of being in a new grade, and for all of us, May is often the month when we “level up.”
How fitting that at our May Breakfast we will examine the growth stages of the nonprofits we work with. Have those organizations moved from one stage to another? For that matter, what ARE the stages the mark the growth of nonprofits?
And why does it even matter? As long as we are getting our work done day by day, isn’t every year just a little bigger and a little older than the one before?
As it turns out, there are predictable milestones and stages in the growth of healthy nonprofits, and understanding them will allow us to set appropriate expectations with respect to growth, external interactions, internal development, and focus. Can you assess the growth trajectory and stages for the ministries you’re involved with? Clarifying all this for us and helping us to practically apply it, Dr. Susan Nichols, for decades one of Houston’s best-known nonprofit consultants, will join us at our May Breakfast. Let’s learn how we can “graduate” together this May to a better understanding of nonprofit stages.
Wednesday, May 14
Breakfast 7:30a to 9:30a
Networking 9:30a to 11:30a (optional)