True, you’ve got a wallet pocket, the one that holds your money. Setting that one aside for a moment, though, I’m wondering what’s in your OTHER pockets, the ones where you store the rest of your treasures…
All of our “pockets” – not just our money pockets – hold valuable treasures.
And all of those treasures – not just our money – ultimately belong to God.
We regularly think about being generous with our finances, but what about all our other treasures?
When we assess the other things that are in ALL of our “pockets” – our professional skills, our homes, our personal relationships and networks, our education, our schedules, our health, our social capital, our compassion – do we discipline ourselves to be just as generous, devoting a portion of all of those other valuables to Him?
Fellowship of Barnabas Partners helps Christian businesspeople to use the skills, experiences, and interests in their professional “pockets” to help nonprofits in the Houston area.
Wednesday, May 14
Breakfast 7:30a to 9:30a
Networking 9:30a to 11:30a (optional)