Despite the pandemic, the past six months have given me opportunities to know and appreciate so many of you on a deeper personal level. I’ve also had innumerable conversations about Fellowship of Barnabas Partners with other people, and those interactions inevitably turn to talking about you. Here’s how it usually starts:
“Fellowship of Barnabas Partners helps Christian business people help local nonprofits. One of our surprising distinctives is that we direct fundraising appeals elsewhere, and instead focus on the issues that would keep these nonprofit leaders awake at night even if their budgets were completely met.”
And then here’s the part where I get to brag on you:
“While we don’t entertain requests for money, that’s not because the Barnabas partners aren’t financially generous. In fact, outside the Barnabas context these are some of the most financially sacrificial givers I know! But they are aware that there is no other organization where they can be so effective in meeting non-financial strategic needs. Our partners astonish me with their willingness to extend professional expertise, to visit ministries on-site, to make professional connections, to strategize, to offer ongoing encouragement and accountability, to share wisdom, to pray. In short, FBP Partners are committed to being generous in as many ways as possible!”
Like Barnabas in scripture, you are respected both inside and outside the church. You are on the lookout for ways to use everything you steward to build the Kingdom. You are known for mentoring others, for boldly standing up for your own life calling, and for encouraging your brothers and sisters in the faith.
Our group’s name describes you perfectly, and it is easy to tell others what I see in you!
Wednesday, May 14
Breakfast 7:30a to 9:30a
Networking 9:30a to 11:30a (optional)