Twists and Turns

Date: December 13, 2021

When you were a kid, what did you think you wanted to be when you grew up? When you went to college, what did you major in? When you graduated and began your first career job, was it what you expected? If you have retired, are you spending your days the way you thought you would? Looking back, how many times in your life have you refocused, redirected, restarted?

The truth is, our lives are spaghetti bowls of twists and turns. Many of us have reached a point where we realize the importance of taking what we know from the for-profit world and investing it in our communities, finding lasting significance. The speaker for January's Quarterly Partner Breakfast is William Vanderbloemen and he knows all about non-linear lives! He's experienced some restarts of his own, and now he helps others navigate their own complicated life journeys.

Speaking of professional twists and turns, I wish each of you could have heard the discussion at last week's Networking Breakfast. Our starting question was, "How did your professional experiences specifically prepare you for what you're doing now with nonprofits?"

  • We heard how a desire to be a mother developed into nurturing nonprofit boards and church groups.
  • We heard an engineer explain that analysis and developing clarity of purpose apply in ministry settings too.
  • We heard a trucking services broker describe how his gift for selling now is exactly what he needs as he advocates for a ministry close to his heart.

Each person had a story of transformation -- some in the early stages, some fully developed.

Whatever lies ahead for you, I’m sure that there will be surprises in the mix. How reassuring to know that there are no surprises for the One who prepared our paths.

Fellowship of Barnabas Partners equips Christians to help nonprofits.
Fellowship of Barnabas Partners is a nonpartisan, nonsectarian 501c3 exempt organization, EIN 86-2933671.
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