Thinking About Onions

Date: November 26, 2020

Earlier this week, while chopping onions in preparation for our Thanksgiving meal, I was thinking about how we use peeling layers of an onion to illustrate ever-deepening levels of meaning. Just when we think we understand an idea, it seems like there is always another, even truer, insight. That certainly applies to my approach to Thanksgiving!

The first, outside layer is a general feeling of gratitude and goodwill to usher in the holiday season. Beneath that, I am reminded to be aware of specific reasons to be grateful. (If Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts is new to you, let that be your gift to yourself this Christmas!) Going a layer deeper, I realize that my gratitude is multiplied when I discuss those reasons with the people around me.

And then this year I "peeled the onion" even more, wondering what each of those blessings that I count on Thanksgiving can teach me about the nature of God. What kind of God would do these things for me?

  • I'm thankful to have my family close by, and that reminds me that God desires to have each one of us close to him.
  • I'm thankful that the end of COVID is in sight, and that reminds me that Christ's return is also in sight.
  • I'm thankful that I am blessed with meaningful work, and that reminds me to meditate on all God's works (as in Ps 111 and 145).
  • I'm thankful for the beauty of the neighborhood where we live, and that reminds me of God's artistry, from microscopic detail to vast expanse.
  • I'm thankful for the healing represented by my various scars, and that reminds me that God's intent is to heal all our wounds, physical and otherwise.

And so it goes...

Naming our blessings softens our hearts.

Sharing our blessings builds our community. 

Using our blessings to understand more about God's nature leads us to worship. May all the things you're thankful for today bring you closer to God's heart.

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