If you have ever traveled to Israel, you are aware that geography frames so much of what happens in Scripture. That's clearly demonstrated in the contrast between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea. While both are originally fed by fresh springs in the Galilean hills, they differ in what they do with what they receive. Waters of the life-giving Sea of Galilee are constantly aerating and circulating on their way to flow into the Jordan River, but the aptly named Dead Sea receives that same fresh input and holds on to it, creating a climate where nothing at all can live.
"There is a Sea" is an old hymn comparing the two bodies of water. The hymn describes each in turn, and then in the third verse challenges us to examine whether we are more like the generous northern body or the self-focused southern one.
This is more than a geological anomaly -- it is truth woven into creation.
We have to give if we want to live.
Maybe this explains why you are some of the most alive people I know: like the Sea of Galilee, you give. You receive fresh streams of insight, wisdom, encouragement, knowledge, and experience, and then you pass all that life away to others, trusting that there is more to come, living out the truth of John 7:38: "Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them." Fellowship of Barnabas Partners is one of those "fresh streams." Time after time, I have observed as you learn from speakers and other Partners, "aerate" it a bit, and then allow that fullness to overflow into the individuals and organizations that are "downstream" from you.
Wednesday, May 14
Breakfast 7:30a to 9:30a
Networking 9:30a to 11:30a (optional)