It's almost Christmas Day! It's almost time to hug those dear ones, almost time to light the candles, almost time to sing the songs, almost time to open the presents, almost time to eat the feast... Almost there.
And we are almost ready! Just a few more cookies to bake, a few more gifts to wrap, a few more rooms to vacuum, a few more hours to wait. Only a few.
And our hearts? They're almost merry. They hold so much joy, but still a bit of sadness, a bit of regret, a bit of loneliness, a bit of worry, a bit of wistfulness. Just a bit.
Every "almost" looks back to celebrate how far we have already come, and looks forward to acknowledge what we know we still lack. Looking both ways, whether celebrating or lacking, all we can see is Christ, and that means "almost" is a place of holiness.
This Christmas, live fully in the "almost," and let your appreciation of that holy place be the gift that you give back to God.
Wednesday, May 14
Breakfast 7:30a to 9:30a
Networking 9:30a to 11:30a (optional)