Some blockbuster movies came out this summer! Whether you went to the theater for escape, education, validation, or inspiration, you could certainly find whatever you were looking for.
I'd like to commend a movie to you from a somewhat different angle. Based on the true story of a north Texas family, 5000 Blankets touches on emotional instability, mental illness, substance abuse, homelessness, and resource insecurity, and shows how the community rallied to begin addressing these issues. The film was released in 2022 by the producers of War Room and is widely available for rental or purchase.
So that's the movie, and here's the twist: Faced with a critical need, the central character decides to start a nonprofit organization and encounters significant obstacles along the way (sound familiar?). In real life, you may be a nonprofit executive or worker yourself, or you may be a community / business leader who supports nonprofit work as a board member, volunteer, donor, or advisor. As you watch the movie, I encourage you to view it with "Barnabas eyes." Consider it a case study! Ask yourself questions like these:
These are the very sort of questions we address at Fellowship of Barnabas Partners Breakfasts, where Christian business and nonprofit leaders from around Houston meet to help local ministries operate more effectively. And it's not just theoretical and academic, because already just this summer we have been able to come alongside a half dozen Houston ministries with questions like these. Business leaders help nonprofit leaders with strategic suggestions, and nonprofit leaders help business leaders understand how ministries operate. It's a win-win!
So whatever your role, pop some popcorn, watch a good movie, and hone your skills. We'll all benefit!
Wednesday, May 14
Breakfast 7:30a to 9:30a
Networking 9:30a to 11:30a (optional)