Surely all our hearts are full, reminded once again of the great truth of Resurrection Day: Christ was raised from the dead, and so we too can be raised with him.
Throughout Christ’s life he prefigured his own resurrection by doing signs that involved raising. Here are some examples:
Specifically, the work that you Barnabas Partners do reminds me of this narrative of raising:
When we encounter situations or organizations whose challenges leave them unable to “straighten up” on their own, we aim to free them from their “disabilities” and help them raise up and stand straight, which in turn brings glory to God. So all throughout Holy Week I thought about the ways that you live out the significance of Christ’s resurrection. Imitating him, you lift up the vulnerable in the community and raise struggling ministries to stand straight again.
Wednesday, May 14
Breakfast 7:30a to 9:30a
Networking 9:30a to 11:30a (optional)