Their ministry was growing -- both in numbers and ethnic diversity -- and the whole city was dazzled by what they were doing! That was good news until it wasn't, because there eventually came a day when public charges of discrimination and mismanagement threatened to bring the whole ministry down. The founding board was in trouble. They realized that in their attempt to do everything themselves whether they were good at it or not (from branding to messaging to actual ministry work) they had overextended, overcommitted, overlooked some crucial service needs, and left the whole ministry open to criticism.
So what did they do? They clarified their own visionary purpose, and then asked for help in identifying a team who was more qualified to carry out the strategic plan. Not only did the grumbling diminish, but the whole ministry flourished when everyone knew their "lane" and stayed in it. Other challenges soon arose, but the board stayed focused on its mission.
Sound familiar? (This is a true story! You can read more about it in Acts 6:1-7.) Boards -- particularly founding boards -- often find themselves in need of a re-set after an initial season of ministry, but there is practical wisdom to help ministries over this expected "hump."
If you're reading this, you're involved at some level with a nonprofit board. Maybe you serve on one, you work with one, you're thinking about joining one, your ministry is guided by one, or your church is led by one. Whichever it is, you're not alone! And you can draw direction and encouragement from the "board" of the first century church.
Wednesday, May 14
Breakfast 7:30a to 9:30a
Networking 9:30a to 11:30a (optional)